Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Sisters Grimm 3

 So Puck Saved sabrina from the girl and went to the hospital. Sabrina broke her arm but she csred about her parents. The child dissapered with her parents. Relda said that she did not want to loose any more relatives and that she told Sabrina to do this case later. However at night Sabrina got a handful of books and did some reaserch she was on a page about this hospitle for everaftrs. That's when she figured out that Little Red Riding Hood took her parents.

Later Sabrina, Dalphne, and Puck went to that hospitle. However Dalphne found some information about Hood when they got there. When they were about to take that information, a man appered and said that they could not take that. SO they ran!!!!!!!

The next day, the Grimms were going to see the new school that was build after the explosion. Mr. Canis could not have survived because he sacrificed himself to save the rest of the 'school poeple' in book 2.(He was under the school building) When they went inside Charming was making a 'wonderful' speech. However the QofH (Queen of Hearts) interupted and told the whole group of how Charming and that Grimms make a deal last time. (book 2) ALL of the everafters were suprised. Suddenly Puck started protected the Grimms. She stated hitting people who hated the Grimms. Later something fell from the roof. He was a man and it says:

The man asked "Are you ok mother?"
"MOTHER?????" Sabrina and Dalphne said
"Yes I am Jacob" Grandma Relda replied

It has been told that Jacob was Sabrina's uncle. Howwever he has been forgotten in the whole town because of Granny. A long time ago, Jacob figured out of how to break the towns spell. He snuck into Baba yaga's house and broke the spell. Then Hood and the Jabberwocky/monster escaped  the hospital. The Jabberwocky tried to kill Jacob but their grandpa, Basil sacrificed his own life to let Jacob live. All the town's people wanted to escape so Granny had put forgetful dust.

They also figured out that you could kill the Jabberwocky with the sword but they had to find the peices. Later when they got all the pieces, they went to the blue fairy (from pinnocio) and asked her to put the sword back into the right places. They killed the Jabberwocy and Hood said that she was not the leader of the scarlet hand. However they got their parents back but figured out that there had to be a romantic kiss (ewwwwwwww!) to wake them up. They are now trying to figure out how to. Mr. Canis was still alive. Granny had lied to them because Mr.Canis asked them. But his wolf apperence was slowly showing appereance day after day.

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