Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Girl

 Once upon a time, there was a married couple, Mr. Graves and Mrs. Graves who were very poor with no children. One hot summer day, they found a baby laid under a tree in a basket with a little note. They read the note together: Whoever finds this baby, please return it to me after 20 years, this day at  this tree . Before the 20 years, please do not tell this baby that you are not her real parents. However, please name her Rose, for it could be easier to find my baby.
Mr. and Mrs. Graves stared at each other, not knowing what to do. Suddenly, they smiled and noded that taking the baby was the right thing to do.

Years after when Rose Graves was 12  and she was very pretty. She was clever and the first kid to raise her hand at school when a teacher asked her a question too! She had lots of friends, the cafeteiea food was great. One preticular night, when Rose was on her bed lying, she heard a voice:  8 more years left until I see you, my dear Rose. You may not see me but I can see you.....

Rose froze, stood up and walked to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Graves,and told them exactly what the voice  said. After she finished, Mr. Graves said maybe she was too tired that she heard untrue things. Mrs.Graves walked into Rose's bed with Rose, and patted her until she was asleep.
Finally when the day had come to tell the truth to Rose, Mr. Graves told Rose that she was found in a basket this day, and showed her the note that her parents left in the basket. The three Graves stood up and got out of the door to head to the tree were they had found Rose.
They waited until something bright appered in there eyes. Seconds later, there was a bright angel. Rose ammediately hugged her because she knew somehow that it was her mother. The angelthanked the Graves' appered into the sky with Rose.

When the Graves came back home  Mrs. Graves stomach started to hurt! They went to the hospital and figured out that she was pregnet!

It was a girl and when the girl was born, they named her Rose Jr. Graves and the three Graves lived happily ever after.
                                                                                   The End

Mr. Klutz is Nuts

I have a new book to introduce. Mr. Klutz wanted to encourage the whole school to read, write and spell. So on announcement day, he said they will have a ymmy chocolate party if the whole school does one million math problems, he will kiss a pig on the lips. It was so weird when he did it in the chocolate party. On the next announcement day, he said if students write an essay for themselves about "election day", he will climb up a flagpole and will do the pledge of the allegience. Then the whole school started writing essays and he did it. Mr. Klutz said weird things on announcement day. If the whole school write of one hundred thousand words by Thanksgiving, he will wear a turkey costume and ride a pogo stick down the main street. If reading one million minutes with parents before winter vacation, then he will dress up like Santa Claus and jump off the roof with a bungee jump. Then some school kids called. AJ, Andrea, Ryan, Emily and Michel go to Mr. Klutz's office and said if they read 100 million minutes with the parents, they don't want him to do want he announced today. On announcement day, he said he will take them to a pool if the whole school reads 100 million minutes with the parents. And they did. So they go to go to the pool

Tale of Desperaux

The First Book
It is about Desperaux being born. Unbelievable things happened to him.  For example, he fell in love with a human princess named Pea. There was an important rule that every mouse has to obey in their community. That was not to talk to humans and not be close to the humans' feet. But when Desperaux's brother Furlough saw him broke the law in the mice community, Desperaux had to go to the freaky dungeon. While he was in dungeon, Desperaux met a man named Gregory. Gregory wanted to hear a fairy tale story. He said he would help Desperaux out of the dungeon if Desperaux tells him a story. When Desperaux did it, he was saved. That's how the first book ends.
The Second Book
It was about Roscuro. It was way before Despereaux was born. I didn't tell you that the Princess Pea's mother had died, because of Roscuro. This is what happened. Roscuro first thought the light was beautiful. So he went upstairs out of the Dungeon. In the Palace, he saw yummy soup, so he went beside the soup. Meanwhile, in the palace, they were having a party. The queen loved the soup, but the sharp eye Princess Pea saw Roscuro. She said to her mom(the queen) that there's a rat beside her soup. The queen fainted and that's how she died. Roscuro had just realized that the word "rat" stinks, because Princess Pea had said the word, "rat". Roscuro had a plan to hurt Pea's feelings That's the ending of the second book.
The Thrid Book
It was about a poor girl named Miggery Sow. Her mother had died because of illness(disease). Her dad sold her with a red table cloth, a hen and a cigarette. Migg was a servant to the other man. If she didn't listen, she would get a clout ot the ear (pull her hear). But while in the castle, the King outlawed spams and soup. And when the soldier came to the man's house, he thought Migg was a poor girl. So he tried to take her to the castle. Oh! In the middle of the story, Mig wanted to become a princess. But when Mig went downstairs to serve the man in the dungeon, hshe met Roscuro. And Roscuro said he had a plan to make Mig into a princess.
The Fourth Book
It was after Desperaux telling...  While Mig was hearing Roscuro's plan in the dungeon, Mig said, "let's do the plan". She really wanted to become a princess. Their plan was to take the princess to the dungeon and make her take off her crown and her beautiful clothes. And they wanted to give it to Mig. But Roscuro's real plan was to put chains to the princess and never let Pea go. But when they too Pea to the dungeon that night, Desperaux was one his way to find the princess. While in the dungeon, Roscuro said Pea will be on chains and Mig never become a princess. Roscuro will be in charge of Pea. But it was too late when Desperaux arrived. He first thought, it was weird. But when he had notice the awful things he had done he made. Desperaux kill him. But Pea wanted to give Roscuro one more chance. So she did.  Mig got to meet her dad. Desperaux was friends with Pea. Roscuro got to be a kind rat

Best Friends

I read a book about Gemma. She has a best friend for her life. And her best friend is callled Alice. They share everything, even their bissest secrets! But Gemma figures out that Alice has a secret she isn't sharing. And the big secret is that Alice is moving. But it's not 3 mile moving. She's moving half around the world to London. Gemma is very mad at Auntie Karen, Alice's mom. Alice and Gemma are determined to run away, a real one. But when they are about to get on the train, their parents grab them and think it's all Gemma's fault. In fact, it was Alice's idea to run away.
In Alice's new school in London, there's a girl named Flora and it seems like she's taking Alice away from Gemma.  Plus, she even tries to make her own wish in front of Alice's birthday cake when Alice and Gemma are supposed to do that. Auntie Karen wants Flora to be Alice's best friend. She doesn't like Gemma. But Alice would like Gemma to be her best friend forever like they said they would
Gemma and Flora hate each other. Alice like both of them. At the end, it turns out that Alice is so-so with Flora but best friend forever with Gemma.

My sister the vampire

Did you ever once find a long lost twin sister? Well, Olivia once did when she was a new kid at school. And her twin sister is Ivy. But Ivy has a really grave secret. Ivy is a vampire! However, it doesn't matter for Olivia because Ivy is her sister. In her new school, there are a lot of vampires too who has not told her secret to any one..Together,they have four fasinsting adventures with wonderful discoveries. The first book 'switced' Is the first book when they discover that they are twins. I would say ages 11or up readers should read this because there are some pats young readers could be cunfused of. Rock on Ivy and Olivia!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Picture of Hollis Woods

  There is a girl named Hollis Woods. She was born in a town called holliswoods when she was an hour old. When the orphanage found her, there was a sheet written: Please name her Hollis Woods.She is a girl who is very talented in drawing. Hollis has been to foster homes but has ran away. Her orphanage teacher, (as known as Mustard Woman to Hollis) is taking her to another foster home. Now she is at an old lady's house. Her name is Josie. The author explains how Hollis feels when she is being with her (Josie).

However even though Hollis has been to many foster homes, she remember one paticullarplace. It is a time with a 13 year old boy named Steven. She used to be with Steven's Parents too.She also used to draw lots of pictures in Steven's house. However for some reason, Hollis has ran away. So, at Josie's house, she looks at the pictures she drew and reminds herself of what happened in each one.

                                 TIME WITH JOSIE.
At first Hollis was very nervous. However when she noticed that Josie was a nice person, Hollis started feeling comfortable. Josie likes art and she draws and makes lots of pictures. Hollis has been missing school on purpose by sending "excuse" letters to her teacher. It's because She and Josie are working on a sculpture. However Hollis wonders why Josie does not say any thing about school.Hollis figures out why day after day.   For her, Joshie is a perfect guardian for her but has one problem. She noticed that Josie keeps on forgeting things They also whatch movies for free because Josie's best friend, Beatrice works there.She also knows that Josie forgets things. But for a while they would not be ableto go to the teatre for a while because Beatrice is going on vacation. Beatrice was an artist too. She coul not go on vacation because she thought that Josie might forget everything. Now, since Hollis is here she will trust her and go. Later, when Mustared woman notices that Hollis is not going to school , she eventually notices that Josie forgets stuff. So, Mustared woman takes Hollis to school and tells her that Hollis will go to another foster home. Hollis dose not want to go and leave Josie. So Hollis and Josie run away and Hollos says that they are gonna go to somewhere that is peceful, which is Steaven's house.

When they arrive, they notice that Steven and his parents are not there. Stiill, they go inside, Josie stars sleeping, and Hollis stars moving their bags.

In that house, they celebrated christmas. However, Hollis felt like someone was whatcing her and it was Steaven!!!

                           Much more things happened but the result was that Josie got to live with Beatrice and Hollis lived with Steven. Sometimes Hollis visted Josie but Josie sometimes did not remember her. (memory)

                                                                                           True love was shown...

                                 TIME WITH STEVEN.
When Hollis first met Steven, it seems like he is a bragger. Later, when Hollis spends time with him, it seems like he is not a bragger after all. Steven's parent are also nice to her. Later they dicide that they will adopt Hollis. However, first, they have away from eachother for a while.When Hollis then becomes their daughter, all the land and sea will be hers....

 I don't really get why but I hope that they really will become a family...

In the book it told that when Hollis and Steven were driving in a truck, the truck flipped over and that Steven almost died. Hollis thought it was all her fault and that she was ruining the family...

                                                                                                                  That was why she ran away..

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Corner of the Universe

   Have you ever imagined that school was over and you have summer break but your best friend goes on vacation and you have no one to play with? Wat if your parents told you about an uncle you have never heard about for 12 years? What if the uncle was 21 and he went to a school that they take care mental peole with brain problems and the school closes down and that he has to live near you until they find another school? Would you be happy? Terrified? Eager?
                                                                             This book tells you the answer.

Hattie Owen is a girl who lives in a small town. She has no friends except Besty. However when it comes to vacation, Besty always goes to another place to spend her vacation which explains why Hattie can't celebrate her birthday with friends. She lives in a boarding house with mom, dad, Cookie, Angel, Mr. Penny, and Miss Hagerty. Cookie is like their housekeeper and Angel, Mr.penny, and Miss Hagerty has no relationship. They just stays because it's a boarding house. Nana is her grandma and Papa is her garandpa. They are in the same town as Hattie.

Hatties routine is always the same. In the morning she has to give Miss Hagerty her food while she is in bed. She is the first person who gets to she her. Then she does some chores. After that, she is finished. She goes out of her house and just takes a look outside. She has been doing this until her parents have told her about Adam her Uncle.

Adam was born with some brain problems. He does unpreditable things. His parents (Nana and Papa) have send him to a school where they know how to handle mental people. However, with some reason, the school was closing down. So, they told Hattie that Adam has to stay until they find a new school for him. Hattie is now very curious of Adam.

When Hattie first meets Adam, he is exactly the same her mom described him. However Hattie notices that no one is really dealing with his problems. Hattie beging to talk with him. Later, Adam begings to visit her. Hattie realizes that they are close as friends now.

Everytime in life, things can go wrong. For Adam, things went a lot wrong for him. He was stressed out of his life, he hung himself in the shed behind Nana's and Papa's. Hattie was sad but not that suprised when her parents told her about it.

At the funeral, Hattie made a speech and said :      
                                                                       I want you to know that Adam was not a freak.But he was called a freak and he was called lots of names.And that was one of the thingsthat made it hard to be Adam. Adam, had good times and he had bad times. I think we should remember that Adam was one of those people who lift the corners of our universe.

And I think that is true too. No matter how small, tall, different you are, you can be you can be one of those people who can lift the corners of our universe.