Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Girl

 Once upon a time, there was a married couple, Mr. Graves and Mrs. Graves who were very poor with no children. One hot summer day, they found a baby laid under a tree in a basket with a little note. They read the note together: Whoever finds this baby, please return it to me after 20 years, this day at  this tree . Before the 20 years, please do not tell this baby that you are not her real parents. However, please name her Rose, for it could be easier to find my baby.
Mr. and Mrs. Graves stared at each other, not knowing what to do. Suddenly, they smiled and noded that taking the baby was the right thing to do.

Years after when Rose Graves was 12  and she was very pretty. She was clever and the first kid to raise her hand at school when a teacher asked her a question too! She had lots of friends, the cafeteiea food was great. One preticular night, when Rose was on her bed lying, she heard a voice:  8 more years left until I see you, my dear Rose. You may not see me but I can see you.....

Rose froze, stood up and walked to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Graves,and told them exactly what the voice  said. After she finished, Mr. Graves said maybe she was too tired that she heard untrue things. Mrs.Graves walked into Rose's bed with Rose, and patted her until she was asleep.
Finally when the day had come to tell the truth to Rose, Mr. Graves told Rose that she was found in a basket this day, and showed her the note that her parents left in the basket. The three Graves stood up and got out of the door to head to the tree were they had found Rose.
They waited until something bright appered in there eyes. Seconds later, there was a bright angel. Rose ammediately hugged her because she knew somehow that it was her mother. The angelthanked the Graves' appered into the sky with Rose.

When the Graves came back home  Mrs. Graves stomach started to hurt! They went to the hospital and figured out that she was pregnet!

It was a girl and when the girl was born, they named her Rose Jr. Graves and the three Graves lived happily ever after.
                                                                                   The End

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